

There is a category of food that does just what overweight people want it to do. There are actually foods that are natural fat burners. Amazingly, they are not difficult to find. The thing is that some of these foods may actually surprise you. There is a concept that has been around for some time. It is called negative calorie foods. What this means is that there are foods that require more energy to burn than they provide. Some of these are celery, spinach and apples.

These are just some of the natural foods that are fat burners. There is another group of natural foods that are not fat burners. Citrus fruits are not negative calorie food burners. However, they perform a helpful function in weight loss programs. Citrus fruits aid your body in the release of fats. It also helps your body to process the fat more efficiently and quickly.

Coconuts and coconut oil is another natural food that is a fat burner. This natural food is helpful in many ways. It has been used by the women of India to treat weight problems, hair and skin conditions.

Fat burning natural foods are not hard to come by. Here are some examples that you can find in your super market or natural food store (if available, organic produce is preferable). These delicious root vegetables are just what you need if you are trying to lose weight. They are packed with fiber and nutrition. They include: carrots, parsnips, radishes, rutabagas and turnips. Turnips are a great substitute for potatoes.

You probably already use onions. Now you can also add chives, leeks, scallions and shallots. These are very tasty and versatile in your cooking.Remember your mother's admonition about eating your greens. It's true that they're not much fun but they do burn fat. With some creativity you can incorporate these foods into your menu, lose weight and feel satisfied when finished eating. This would include cabbage, dandelion greens, Chinese cabbage, mustard and collard greens. The emphasis here is on changing your diet, not dieting. By focusing on what you eat as opposed to losing weight, you will naturally, effortlessly lose weight and feel better.


Now, I believe that a dessert has a particularly interesting role to play in an evening meal. It’s the part of the meal that people look forward to even when they have had a hugely satisfying entrĂ©e and main course!
So, really, it is not there to fulfill a nutritional need but it is there to fulfill an emotional need! Therefore, you do want it to say something like:

I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed yourself so far. But before you go, here’s a little kiss to let you know how sweet you are!

Desserts are meant to be sweet, which is why they are also called sweets. And when there’s sugar, there are calories, often more than you really need.

One of the health gems that I have discovered along my vegetarian journey is that there are some naturally occurring calorie-busters, or ‘thermogenics’ that you can easily incorporate into almost any recipe. My all-time, all-purpose favorite is ginger - fresh, root ginger!

I have to admit, that as a child, I used to resent the flavor of ginger in my food and especially in my dessert! That, as far as I was concerned, was an unforgivable transgression! Strangely enough, as I got older I acquired a taste for ginger. Could this have had anything to do with the fact that I was beginning to hold more weight on my body?

Was my body helping me incorporate a natural calorie-buster in my diet? I don’t know. However, I can tell you about some of the remarkable properties of the humble ginger and that, if you’re game, you’ll discover how friendly it is with so many different food ingredients, from tea to toast!

Aside from being a natural calorie-buster as I mentioned before, ginger helps in digestion. It is particularly good for relieving stomach bloating and cramps. It is also great for relieving nausea and morning sickness and is a great blood regulator, improving circulation and reducing LDL cholesterol.

I could go on, but let me give you a tantalizing, low-calorie, vegetarian dessert recipe that includes ginger. You can of course omit the ginger in but I urge you to give it a try. Chances are you’ll be begging for more!
Now you’ve got to hand it to this one for its looks, taste, texture, nutritional value and calorie consciousness!

Carrot Ooo la la!

· ½ cup carrot, freshly and finely grated
· 1 packet gelatin, orange flavored
· 1 slice ginger, peeled and finely grated 1 teaspoon Sangria/orange flavored liqueur

(If you’ve got a particularly sweet tooth, add 1-2 tablespoons of honey).
Simply prepare the gelatin following directions on the packet. When set, add all the ingredients, mix well, scoop into small dessert bowls and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Serve decorated with a sprig of mint or a small wedge of orange.


If you are truly interested and committed then try switching over gradually. Don’t try to quit cold turkey (no pun intended). Try eliminating one type of meat at a time. Then you will gradually be able to eliminate all the meat from your diet.

Over this time period introduce and increase the number of Vegetarian meals that you consume. You can find some incredible vegetarian cookbooks online and at your local bookstore that are filled with delicious recipes.

Just remember to start slow and take your time. To give you a little push here are some incredible benefits of a vegetarian diet as compared to an orthodox diet.

The Benefits of a Vegetarian Lifestyle

Vegetarian diets, when well chosen, are linked to a reduction in the incidence of chronic diseases. And they are more conducive to better health than your average, orthodox diet.

Chronic Diseases and Vegetarian Diets:

1. Obesity. Among vegetarians there is less obesity. Vegetarians consume more fiber-rich bulky foods so fewer calories are consumed.

2. High Blood Pressure. Vegetarian lifestyle is void of smoking and drinking alcohol. This in combination with regular exercise decreases blood pressure. Also, a vegetarian diet that is low in fat, saturated fats, high in fiber, fruits, and vegetables may also contribute to lowered blood pressure.

3. Heart Disease. Vegetarian diets call for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and soybeans as a replacement for meat (which is much higher in saturated fats and much lower in fiber, antioxidants). This contributes to a healthy heart. High fiber also helps the digestive tract.

4. Cancer. Meats and other foods not consumed in a vegetarian diet can produce carcinogens which can lead to Cancer.

There are many other benefits to a vegetarian lifestyle:

1. It’s humane as it saves animals from being slaughtered for food.

2. Saves money (as meat is expensive)

Less demanding on the environment


Bread Soup

· ½ lb. of stale crusts of Allinson wholemeal bread
· 4 onions
· 2 turnips
· 1 stick of celery
· 1 oz. of butter
· ½ oz. of finely chopped parsley
· 8 pints of water ½ pint of milk

Soak the crusts in the water for 2 hours before they are put over the fire. Cut up into small dice the vegetables; add them to the bread with the butter and pepper and salt to taste.

Allow all to simmer gently for 1 hour, then rub the soup through a sieve, return it to the saucepan, add the milk and parsley, and, if the flavor is liked, a little grated nutmeg; boil the soup up and serve at once.

Cabbage Soup

· 1 fair-sized cabbage
· a large Spanish onion
· 1-1/2 oz. of butter
· Pepper and salt to taste
· ½ saltspoonful of nutmeg
· 1-1/2 pints of milk 2 tablespoonfuls of Allinson fine wheatmeal

After preparing and washing the cabbage, shred up very fine, chop up the onion, set these two in a saucepan over the fire with 1 quart of water, the butter and seasoning, and let all cook gently for 1 hour, or longer it the vegetables are not quite tender. Add the milk and thickening when the vegetables are thoroughly tender, and let all simmer gently for 10 minutes; serve with little squares of toasted or fried bread, or Allinson plain rusks.

Carrot Soup

· 4 good-sized carrots
· 1 head of celery
· 1 onion
· 3 oz. of Allinson wholemeal bread without crust
· 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt 1 blade of mace

Wash, scrape, and cut the carrots into dice. Prepare and cut up the onions and celery. Set the vegetables over the fire with 3 pints of water, adding the mace and seasoning.

Let all cook until quite soft, which will probably be in 1-1/2 hours. If the carrots are old, they will take longer cooking.

When the vegetables are tender, rub all through a sieve, return the soup to the saucepan, add the butter, allow it to boil up, and serve with sippets of toast.


Vegetarian Pastitsio

· vegetable cooking spray
· 12oz Morningstar Farms Recipe Crumbles or similar product
· 1cup chopped onion 8oztomato paste
· 1/3cupwater up to 1/2 cup
· Salt and pepper to taste
· 1cup elbow macaroni
· 6tbl grated Parmesan cheese divided
· 1/2tsp cinnamon or more to taste
· 1/4tsp nutmeg optional
· 12oz evaporated skim milk 1 can
· 4tsp light butter or margarine
· 2x eggs lightly beaten
Preheat oven to 350F. Spray a 9" x 7" or similar deep 11 cup casserole dish with vegetable cooking spray. Put a pot of water up to boil.

Spray a 9" or 10" nonstick skillet with vegetable cooking spray. Saute onion for 1 or 2 minutes; add the vegetable protein crumbles and saute for another 5 minutes or so. Add the tomato paste, water, salt, pepper and some nutmeg and cinnamon. Cook for another minute or two. Remove from heat and set aside.

Meanwhile cook the elbow macaroni according to package directions for the minimum amount of time to become just *barely* al dente. Drain under cold running water to stop cooking, then drain again. Return to pasta cooking pot and toss with 1 teaspoon of butter and 1 or 2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese.

Spray casserole dish with cooking spray. Layer 1/2 of the macaroni evenly in the bottom of the casserole. Spread the vegetable protein crumbles over the macaroni layer. Sprinkle with just a touch more cinnamon and 1 or 2 tablespoons of grated parmesan. Cover with the remaining macaroni.

In a bowl, beat the eggs lightly. In a small saucepan, heat the evaporated skim milk with the remaining tablespoon of butter. Whisk half of the warm milk/butter mixture into the eggs, then return the eggs mixture to the saucepan and whisk with the rest of the milk.

Pour the milk/butter/egg mixture evenly over the entire casserole; it will not lay on top but will sink down - this is just fine. Dust the top of the casserole evenly with the remaining 1 - 2 tablespoons of grated parmesan.
Bake the casserole for 1 hour, or until egg mixture is set and top is crusty and golden. Remove from the oven and let stand for 10 - 15 minutes before serving.

Note: I used regular, not fat-free, parmesan; Land O'Lakes light butter; Morningstar Farms brand vegetable protein crumbles (which, by the way, I thought were *much much much* better than the Green Giant Harvest Burgers for Recipes kind).
This recipe was *great* and not too much of a hassle to make, not even on a weeknight. I will definitely make it again; can see it becoming a family standard. It is also something I would make for company - vegetarians and meat-eaters alike.

I must say that with a big old mound of spinach and some French bread with roasted red peppers, this made quite a filling and satisfying feast. And it was a *lot* more food for not many more calories than a _Lean Cuisine_ or similar type frozen entree.

NOTES : Serve with French bread and steamed spinach.

I found the original recipe in Sue Spitler's 1001 Low-Fat Vegetarian Recipes_. But I made a few changes, both in ingredients and in preparation. Mostly, I wanted to make the casserole in a smaller, deeper pan so make it thicker, and once I did that I figured I could get by with less of the custardy topping.

I was very pleased with the results, and the whole family enjoyed it. I am posting both the original recipe and my adaptation here.

Low Calorie French Fries

· 2 medium potatoes, unpeeled and scrubbed
· 3 sprays vegetable cooking spray
· paprika -- optional
· salt
· pepper
· celery salt -- optional

Cut potatoes in half lengthwise. Slice each half into lengthwise wedges with some peel on each piece. Soak in cold water for 20 minutes. Drain and dry potatoes. Spray cookie sheet with cooking spray. Place potatoes into plastic bag or large plastic bowl with tight fitting lid.

Add oil and shake to coat the potatoes. Arrange potatoes in single layer on cooking sheet. Bake in preheated 450°F oven for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. To season, sprinkle with salt, pepper and your choice of paprika or celery salt.

Reduce salt if using celery salt. Also good sprinkled with chili powder just before end of cooking time.


You have been on that low carb diet for a while and now you simply do not know what else you can eat. You are fed up with the same foods you have been eating since you started and now every breakfast, lunch or dinner are more than a quest.

Many people face the same difficulty in choosing their menu while they are on a low carb diet. The reason behind this is that they are unsure which foods are allowed and which – not.

Low carbohydrate diets in fact are very generous. You can eat almost everything unless it contains a lot of carbohydrates.

Vegetables: during a low carb diet only low carb vegetables are allowed. You will be amazed how many vegetables you can eat. You can consume all kind of greens such as lettuce, spinach, chard; beans, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, mushrooms, cucumbers, all kinds of peppers, onions and all kinds of herbs. The main vegetables that are not allowed because they have high carb levels are corn, potatoes, peas, beets and carrots.

Fruits: fruit consumption during a low carb diet can be a bit tricky as most of the fruits contain a lot of glucose. However you can eat all kind of berries (strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries), grapefruit, melons, apricots, plums, peaches, pears, cherries, apples. Depending on the diet you might be allowed to eat some fruits that have higher sugar levels such as grapes, oranges, tangerine, and pineapples. Fruits that are strictly forbidden are bananas and all kinds of dried fruits.

Meat: most of the low carb diets feature an extensive use of meats. This is due to the fact that meat contains a lot of proteins and some essential substances for your wellbeing. However you should be careful what meat you eat. Avoid breaded meats or heavy meat souses, check if the hams and luncheon meats you want to eat have added sugars.

Dairy: dairy foods such as milk, yogurt, and cream have a lot of carbohydrates so be very careful about their consumption. Make sure you know how to count the carbs in these products. An option is to find substitutes such as soy milk and cream.

Obviously it is impossible to list all of the foods you can or cannot eat during your diet. For that reason you can take a diet food list that will have all of the foods you can eat. What you should do is to check with this list if the food you want is allowed or not. After a while you will not need the list anymore. Another tip is to concentrate on the foods you can eat and stop thinking of the ones you are not allowed to have.
