

There is a category of food that does just what overweight people want it to do. There are actually foods that are natural fat burners. Amazingly, they are not difficult to find. The thing is that some of these foods may actually surprise you. There is a concept that has been around for some time. It is called negative calorie foods. What this means is that there are foods that require more energy to burn than they provide. Some of these are celery, spinach and apples.

These are just some of the natural foods that are fat burners. There is another group of natural foods that are not fat burners. Citrus fruits are not negative calorie food burners. However, they perform a helpful function in weight loss programs. Citrus fruits aid your body in the release of fats. It also helps your body to process the fat more efficiently and quickly.

Coconuts and coconut oil is another natural food that is a fat burner. This natural food is helpful in many ways. It has been used by the women of India to treat weight problems, hair and skin conditions.

Fat burning natural foods are not hard to come by. Here are some examples that you can find in your super market or natural food store (if available, organic produce is preferable). These delicious root vegetables are just what you need if you are trying to lose weight. They are packed with fiber and nutrition. They include: carrots, parsnips, radishes, rutabagas and turnips. Turnips are a great substitute for potatoes.

You probably already use onions. Now you can also add chives, leeks, scallions and shallots. These are very tasty and versatile in your cooking.Remember your mother's admonition about eating your greens. It's true that they're not much fun but they do burn fat. With some creativity you can incorporate these foods into your menu, lose weight and feel satisfied when finished eating. This would include cabbage, dandelion greens, Chinese cabbage, mustard and collard greens. The emphasis here is on changing your diet, not dieting. By focusing on what you eat as opposed to losing weight, you will naturally, effortlessly lose weight and feel better.


Now, I believe that a dessert has a particularly interesting role to play in an evening meal. It’s the part of the meal that people look forward to even when they have had a hugely satisfying entrée and main course!
So, really, it is not there to fulfill a nutritional need but it is there to fulfill an emotional need! Therefore, you do want it to say something like:

I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed yourself so far. But before you go, here’s a little kiss to let you know how sweet you are!

Desserts are meant to be sweet, which is why they are also called sweets. And when there’s sugar, there are calories, often more than you really need.

One of the health gems that I have discovered along my vegetarian journey is that there are some naturally occurring calorie-busters, or ‘thermogenics’ that you can easily incorporate into almost any recipe. My all-time, all-purpose favorite is ginger - fresh, root ginger!

I have to admit, that as a child, I used to resent the flavor of ginger in my food and especially in my dessert! That, as far as I was concerned, was an unforgivable transgression! Strangely enough, as I got older I acquired a taste for ginger. Could this have had anything to do with the fact that I was beginning to hold more weight on my body?

Was my body helping me incorporate a natural calorie-buster in my diet? I don’t know. However, I can tell you about some of the remarkable properties of the humble ginger and that, if you’re game, you’ll discover how friendly it is with so many different food ingredients, from tea to toast!

Aside from being a natural calorie-buster as I mentioned before, ginger helps in digestion. It is particularly good for relieving stomach bloating and cramps. It is also great for relieving nausea and morning sickness and is a great blood regulator, improving circulation and reducing LDL cholesterol.

I could go on, but let me give you a tantalizing, low-calorie, vegetarian dessert recipe that includes ginger. You can of course omit the ginger in but I urge you to give it a try. Chances are you’ll be begging for more!
Now you’ve got to hand it to this one for its looks, taste, texture, nutritional value and calorie consciousness!

Carrot Ooo la la!

· ½ cup carrot, freshly and finely grated
· 1 packet gelatin, orange flavored
· 1 slice ginger, peeled and finely grated 1 teaspoon Sangria/orange flavored liqueur

(If you’ve got a particularly sweet tooth, add 1-2 tablespoons of honey).
Simply prepare the gelatin following directions on the packet. When set, add all the ingredients, mix well, scoop into small dessert bowls and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Serve decorated with a sprig of mint or a small wedge of orange.


If you are truly interested and committed then try switching over gradually. Don’t try to quit cold turkey (no pun intended). Try eliminating one type of meat at a time. Then you will gradually be able to eliminate all the meat from your diet.

Over this time period introduce and increase the number of Vegetarian meals that you consume. You can find some incredible vegetarian cookbooks online and at your local bookstore that are filled with delicious recipes.

Just remember to start slow and take your time. To give you a little push here are some incredible benefits of a vegetarian diet as compared to an orthodox diet.

The Benefits of a Vegetarian Lifestyle

Vegetarian diets, when well chosen, are linked to a reduction in the incidence of chronic diseases. And they are more conducive to better health than your average, orthodox diet.

Chronic Diseases and Vegetarian Diets:

1. Obesity. Among vegetarians there is less obesity. Vegetarians consume more fiber-rich bulky foods so fewer calories are consumed.

2. High Blood Pressure. Vegetarian lifestyle is void of smoking and drinking alcohol. This in combination with regular exercise decreases blood pressure. Also, a vegetarian diet that is low in fat, saturated fats, high in fiber, fruits, and vegetables may also contribute to lowered blood pressure.

3. Heart Disease. Vegetarian diets call for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and soybeans as a replacement for meat (which is much higher in saturated fats and much lower in fiber, antioxidants). This contributes to a healthy heart. High fiber also helps the digestive tract.

4. Cancer. Meats and other foods not consumed in a vegetarian diet can produce carcinogens which can lead to Cancer.

There are many other benefits to a vegetarian lifestyle:

1. It’s humane as it saves animals from being slaughtered for food.

2. Saves money (as meat is expensive)

Less demanding on the environment


Bread Soup

· ½ lb. of stale crusts of Allinson wholemeal bread
· 4 onions
· 2 turnips
· 1 stick of celery
· 1 oz. of butter
· ½ oz. of finely chopped parsley
· 8 pints of water ½ pint of milk

Soak the crusts in the water for 2 hours before they are put over the fire. Cut up into small dice the vegetables; add them to the bread with the butter and pepper and salt to taste.

Allow all to simmer gently for 1 hour, then rub the soup through a sieve, return it to the saucepan, add the milk and parsley, and, if the flavor is liked, a little grated nutmeg; boil the soup up and serve at once.

Cabbage Soup

· 1 fair-sized cabbage
· a large Spanish onion
· 1-1/2 oz. of butter
· Pepper and salt to taste
· ½ saltspoonful of nutmeg
· 1-1/2 pints of milk 2 tablespoonfuls of Allinson fine wheatmeal

After preparing and washing the cabbage, shred up very fine, chop up the onion, set these two in a saucepan over the fire with 1 quart of water, the butter and seasoning, and let all cook gently for 1 hour, or longer it the vegetables are not quite tender. Add the milk and thickening when the vegetables are thoroughly tender, and let all simmer gently for 10 minutes; serve with little squares of toasted or fried bread, or Allinson plain rusks.

Carrot Soup

· 4 good-sized carrots
· 1 head of celery
· 1 onion
· 3 oz. of Allinson wholemeal bread without crust
· 1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt 1 blade of mace

Wash, scrape, and cut the carrots into dice. Prepare and cut up the onions and celery. Set the vegetables over the fire with 3 pints of water, adding the mace and seasoning.

Let all cook until quite soft, which will probably be in 1-1/2 hours. If the carrots are old, they will take longer cooking.

When the vegetables are tender, rub all through a sieve, return the soup to the saucepan, add the butter, allow it to boil up, and serve with sippets of toast.


Vegetarian Pastitsio

· vegetable cooking spray
· 12oz Morningstar Farms Recipe Crumbles or similar product
· 1cup chopped onion 8oztomato paste
· 1/3cupwater up to 1/2 cup
· Salt and pepper to taste
· 1cup elbow macaroni
· 6tbl grated Parmesan cheese divided
· 1/2tsp cinnamon or more to taste
· 1/4tsp nutmeg optional
· 12oz evaporated skim milk 1 can
· 4tsp light butter or margarine
· 2x eggs lightly beaten
Preheat oven to 350F. Spray a 9" x 7" or similar deep 11 cup casserole dish with vegetable cooking spray. Put a pot of water up to boil.

Spray a 9" or 10" nonstick skillet with vegetable cooking spray. Saute onion for 1 or 2 minutes; add the vegetable protein crumbles and saute for another 5 minutes or so. Add the tomato paste, water, salt, pepper and some nutmeg and cinnamon. Cook for another minute or two. Remove from heat and set aside.

Meanwhile cook the elbow macaroni according to package directions for the minimum amount of time to become just *barely* al dente. Drain under cold running water to stop cooking, then drain again. Return to pasta cooking pot and toss with 1 teaspoon of butter and 1 or 2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese.

Spray casserole dish with cooking spray. Layer 1/2 of the macaroni evenly in the bottom of the casserole. Spread the vegetable protein crumbles over the macaroni layer. Sprinkle with just a touch more cinnamon and 1 or 2 tablespoons of grated parmesan. Cover with the remaining macaroni.

In a bowl, beat the eggs lightly. In a small saucepan, heat the evaporated skim milk with the remaining tablespoon of butter. Whisk half of the warm milk/butter mixture into the eggs, then return the eggs mixture to the saucepan and whisk with the rest of the milk.

Pour the milk/butter/egg mixture evenly over the entire casserole; it will not lay on top but will sink down - this is just fine. Dust the top of the casserole evenly with the remaining 1 - 2 tablespoons of grated parmesan.
Bake the casserole for 1 hour, or until egg mixture is set and top is crusty and golden. Remove from the oven and let stand for 10 - 15 minutes before serving.

Note: I used regular, not fat-free, parmesan; Land O'Lakes light butter; Morningstar Farms brand vegetable protein crumbles (which, by the way, I thought were *much much much* better than the Green Giant Harvest Burgers for Recipes kind).
This recipe was *great* and not too much of a hassle to make, not even on a weeknight. I will definitely make it again; can see it becoming a family standard. It is also something I would make for company - vegetarians and meat-eaters alike.

I must say that with a big old mound of spinach and some French bread with roasted red peppers, this made quite a filling and satisfying feast. And it was a *lot* more food for not many more calories than a _Lean Cuisine_ or similar type frozen entree.

NOTES : Serve with French bread and steamed spinach.

I found the original recipe in Sue Spitler's 1001 Low-Fat Vegetarian Recipes_. But I made a few changes, both in ingredients and in preparation. Mostly, I wanted to make the casserole in a smaller, deeper pan so make it thicker, and once I did that I figured I could get by with less of the custardy topping.

I was very pleased with the results, and the whole family enjoyed it. I am posting both the original recipe and my adaptation here.

Low Calorie French Fries

· 2 medium potatoes, unpeeled and scrubbed
· 3 sprays vegetable cooking spray
· paprika -- optional
· salt
· pepper
· celery salt -- optional

Cut potatoes in half lengthwise. Slice each half into lengthwise wedges with some peel on each piece. Soak in cold water for 20 minutes. Drain and dry potatoes. Spray cookie sheet with cooking spray. Place potatoes into plastic bag or large plastic bowl with tight fitting lid.

Add oil and shake to coat the potatoes. Arrange potatoes in single layer on cooking sheet. Bake in preheated 450°F oven for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. To season, sprinkle with salt, pepper and your choice of paprika or celery salt.

Reduce salt if using celery salt. Also good sprinkled with chili powder just before end of cooking time.


You have been on that low carb diet for a while and now you simply do not know what else you can eat. You are fed up with the same foods you have been eating since you started and now every breakfast, lunch or dinner are more than a quest.

Many people face the same difficulty in choosing their menu while they are on a low carb diet. The reason behind this is that they are unsure which foods are allowed and which – not.

Low carbohydrate diets in fact are very generous. You can eat almost everything unless it contains a lot of carbohydrates.

Vegetables: during a low carb diet only low carb vegetables are allowed. You will be amazed how many vegetables you can eat. You can consume all kind of greens such as lettuce, spinach, chard; beans, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, mushrooms, cucumbers, all kinds of peppers, onions and all kinds of herbs. The main vegetables that are not allowed because they have high carb levels are corn, potatoes, peas, beets and carrots.

Fruits: fruit consumption during a low carb diet can be a bit tricky as most of the fruits contain a lot of glucose. However you can eat all kind of berries (strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries), grapefruit, melons, apricots, plums, peaches, pears, cherries, apples. Depending on the diet you might be allowed to eat some fruits that have higher sugar levels such as grapes, oranges, tangerine, and pineapples. Fruits that are strictly forbidden are bananas and all kinds of dried fruits.

Meat: most of the low carb diets feature an extensive use of meats. This is due to the fact that meat contains a lot of proteins and some essential substances for your wellbeing. However you should be careful what meat you eat. Avoid breaded meats or heavy meat souses, check if the hams and luncheon meats you want to eat have added sugars.

Dairy: dairy foods such as milk, yogurt, and cream have a lot of carbohydrates so be very careful about their consumption. Make sure you know how to count the carbs in these products. An option is to find substitutes such as soy milk and cream.

Obviously it is impossible to list all of the foods you can or cannot eat during your diet. For that reason you can take a diet food list that will have all of the foods you can eat. What you should do is to check with this list if the food you want is allowed or not. After a while you will not need the list anymore. Another tip is to concentrate on the foods you can eat and stop thinking of the ones you are not allowed to have.


The main key to lose fat is to make sure that your body burns more calories then it consumes. I would like to help you out in your fat burning process by giving you a list of low calorie foods. Before I give you the list of low calorie foods I will explain to you what calories are. Most people talk a lot about calories but in fact they don’t have a clue what they are.

Definition of a calorie?

A calorie is a unit of measurement for energy. A food calorie is the amount of heat required to raise 1 kilogram of water 1 degree centigrade. The more calories that the food contains the more energy it will be released when it is burned.

List of low calorie foods.

Vegetables low in calories.

- Brussels sprouts.

- Boiled potatoes.

- Broccoli

- Celery

- Mushroom

- Tomatoes.

- Watercress.

- Swede.

- Red peppers.

Fruits low in calories.

These fruits are low in calories when you eat them fresh.

- Apricot

- Melon

- Chayote

- Currants

- Grapefruit (white, red, pink)

- Low calorie diet’s don’t work.As soon as you start with starving yourself your body goes into a protection state. In fact if you lose to much fat each week (2 kilos ore more) you can end up losing muscle mass. As you may now you need muscles to burn fat. Don’t try out new calorie diets they online hurt your metabolic rate.I hope you have learned something from this free list of low calorie foods article. Keep in mind that fat/weight loss is a very deep subject. You will have to read a lot more about this subject if you are serious about it.


When choosing foods that contain grains, like bread or crackers or cereal, I always look at the package to see if a seal from the Whole Grains Council is there. If you see such a seal, you can be assured the food contains at least half of a serving of whole grains in one serving of the product.

But sometimes, such as on a box of the new Lightly Cinnamon Wheat Thins, there is a whole grains claim that isn’t from the Whole Grains Council. On this package there is a small green box that says “Sensible Solutions” that proclaims these crackers have “5g Whole Grain.”

Great! I bought the crackers; they cost $2.18 for a 9.5-ounce box with nine 15-cracker (30g) servings. They taste terrific, like bite-size crispy graham crackers.

But when I looked at the nutrition facts and ingredients, I was disappointed.

A serving has 140 calories, 5g fat (1 saturated), zero cholesterol, 125mg sodium, 21g carbohydrate (1 fiber, 5 sugars) and 2g protein.

What bugs me about that is there is only one gram of dietary fiber in a serving. The front of the box bragged it has five grams of whole grains, so shouldn’t it have more fiber?

I called Kara Berrini, program manager for the Whole Grains Council, and asked her how it’s possible a product with five grams of whole grains in one serving could have such a small amount of fiber.

Kara had me read to her the crackers’ ingredient list, and she quickly unraveled the mystery. The first ingredient is enriched flour, followed by whole wheat flour. Since whole grain flour is not listed first, the product does not contain a significant amount of whole grains.

So 5 grams per serving isn’t significant?

No, it isn’t.

“A daily serving of whole grains is at least 16 grams,” Kara said.

And the Whole Grains Council does not let a company put the WGC stamp on their product until it contains at least half a serving of whole grains per serving of product. Half a serving is 8 grams, so the 5 grams in the Wheat Thins isn’t enough to get the WGC approval.

We need three to five servings of whole grains every day, Kara reminded me. Since one serving is 16 grams, that means we need 48 to 80 grams of whole grains every day.

If enriched flour is the first ingredient listed, the food probably isn’t a significant source of whole grains, no matter what the front of the box claims.

For goodness’ sake: Despite my grain confusion, I’m not saying Lightly Cinnamon Wheat Thins is an unhealthy food. We just need to understand the company’s promotion of “5g Whole Grain” does not mean these crackers are a rich whole grain source. Look for stamps from the Whole Grains Council; you can trust those, and they’re easy to understand.


When it comes to planning a perfect diet, there is only one natural food that offers you the perfect combination of health and taste. The benefits offered by it cuts on calories but not on health. This natural food is none other than a watermelon.

Health benefits of watermelons have been talked about unanimously. No wonder, watermelon is America's favorite fruit. Not only a refreshing drink, watermelons are exceptionally good for the heart and the nervous system. Packed with the punch of essential vitamins, this low calorie fruit re-hydrates the body to bring relief during the hot summer months. Since 90% of the fruit is composed of water, watermelons have acquired a loyal following, especially of the fitness freaks.

For those who do not like to consume fruits in general but have taken to it on account of health reasons, watermelons offer a lot of varieties to cheer about. This wonderful fruit can be consumed in various forms- as a fruit, as a snack, as a drink or smoothie, as desserts, pies, ice creams and what not! There are a number of recipes that can easily be prepared at home. Frozen watermelon desserts like the Americana Basket, Watermelon Popsicles, Watermelon Snow Cups make use of watermelons in combination with other fruits like strawberries, kiwi fruit, blueberries etc. The goodness of watermelon in combination with these nutritious fruits works wonders to provide almost all the necessary nutrients required by your body.

If desserts are not enough, you can select from the wonderful range of watermelon pies like the Harvest Watermelon Pie, Watermelon Pie A La Mode, or Watermelon Spice Pie. Besides one can always try out the amazing cakes and cookies for a quick bite - Watermelon Cup Cakes, Watermelon Coconut Cake with Raspberry Filling are some of the tasty bites that can be tried out. The watermelon salad is hugely popular as a brunch, especially among the health conscious. However, watermelon drinks and smoothies are the most popular drinks, especially in America. Not just pure watermelon juice, Watermelon Almond Sorbet and Watermelon Milk Sorbet are just as delectable.

Watermelons can also be used as party drinks. In western countries, the concept of hard watermelons has become quite popular. This involves boring a hole into the watermelon and pouring liquor inside. This allows the fruit to acquire the flavor of the liquor. The watermelon is then cut and served as ‘hard watermelons’.


These healthy chicken recipes are delicious. Just check these out and I'm sure you'll be amazingly surprised.

So here we go for some healthy chicken recipes:

>>Healthy Chicken Fajitas

Chicken filling

1 1/2 lg red onions

1 lg plump chicken breast

1 red pepper 1 yellow pepper

1/2 c chopped cilantro leaves salt to taste pepper to taste

1/2 med white onion

1/2 c celery (tops and tender inside stalks)

2 or 3 peppercorns

2 tbsp olive oil

Bean filling

1 lb bag of pinto beans (red or pink)

1/4 onion

1/4 c olive oil

8 c water salt to taste

Poach chicken with celery tops, onions and peppercorns. Cook for about 15 minutes. Let cool and remove skin. When chicken is skinned, slice or shred, then sauté with olive oil in wok or large skillet until barely browned around the edges. Next add red and yellow peppers and red onions. Toss and sauté for about 10 minutes. Watch closely so that peppers don't go limp. Add cilantro leaves. Remove from heat. Add salt and pepper to taste. Combine with beans (see below). Place in tortillas, top with salsa and serve.

Cook beans in water for approximately 1 1/2 hours on medium heat. Make sure that beans are completely covered in water. Stir occasionally. Beans will absorb liquid and become soft. Add more water if needed. Add salt when beans are thoroughly cooked. Remove from heat. Add chopped onion. (Onions will cook from the heat of the beans.) drizzle with olive oil.

Tortillas: warm six large flour tortillas in microwave on high (in large zip lock bag to preserve moisture) for about 30 seconds.

Salsa: two large, peeled and chopped tomatoes.

>>Olive Garden Heart Healthy Chicken/Pasta

4 md cloves garlic chopped fine

1 1/4 lb fresh spinach 1 c chicken broth

1 lb chicken breast boned, skinned grilled

1 t olive oil or vegetable spray

1/2 c parmesan grated

1/2 ts nutmeg or mace salt and pepper

6 oz dry pasta shells

8 oz fresh pasta shells

Cook the spinach in the broth until tender. Drain and reserve broth. Mash out excess liquid. Cook pasta. Preheat a sauté pan or heavy skillet over medium heat, add the oil or vegetable spray and sauté the garlic, stirring constantly, until it is white. Don't allow it to brown.

Add the spinach and nutmeg or mace, salt and pepper. Add the chicken pieces to the spinach, stir and turn and add a small amount of the reserved cooking broth. Stir and turn the spinach until it is hot, adding broth as necessary. Remove pasta and immediately drain. Add the shells into the spinach mixture and blend well. Serve immediately with parmesan.


So I went a little nuts with “healthy” peanut butters. It started when I saw one called Better’n Peanut Butter. The nutrition facts were so amazing I grabbed it to check out for you.

Then I saw one called Naturally More, and the label says it is “What Peanut Butter Should Be.”

“We’ll see about that,” I thought, and it joined the first jar in my buggy (that’s what we call shopping carts in South Carolina – buggies).

Things snowballed from there. How could I tell you about the first two without also giving you the scoop on the new Smart Balance Natural Peanut Butter; I.M. Healthy Original Creamy SoyNut Butter; and Smucker’s Reduced Fat Natural Style Creamy Peanut Butter?

I’ll keep this short and to-the-point for you. They’re listed below in the order I liked them, starting with the best.

Smucker’s Reduced Fat Natural Style Creamy Peanut Butter

Price: $2.99 (but I got it on sale for $2.50) for a 16-ounce (454g) jar with 13 2-tablespoon (35g) servings Nutrition: 200 calories, 12g fat (2 saturated), zero cholesterol, 120mg sodium, 12g carbohydrate (2 fiber, 2 sugars) and 9g protein. Ingredients: Peanuts, maltodextrin (replaces fat), fat reduced ground peanuts, salt. Taste: This tastes fine; I couldn’t tell it was reduced fat. It’s one of those peanut butters where the oil separates out and is in a layer on the top of the jar. But it wasn’t hard to stir it up and mix the oil back in with the butter.

Smart Balance Omega Natural Creamy Peanut Butter

Price: $3.09 for a 16-ounce (454g) jar with 14 2-tablespoon (32g) servings Nutrition: 200 calories, 17g fat (3 saturated, 2 polyunsaturated, 12 monounsaturated), zero cholesterol, 110mg sodium, 6g carbohydrate (2 fiber, 1 sugar) and 7g protein. You also get 1 gram of Omega-3. Ingredients: Peanuts, natural oil blend (flaxseed and palm fruit oils), salt, molasses. Taste: It smells richly like peanut butter and has a nice creamy texture. The flavor is just a bit overly salty.

Naturally More

Price: $3.39 for a 16-ounce (453g) jar with 13 2-tablespoon (35g) servings. Nutrition: 169 calories, 11g fat (2 saturated, 4.1 Omega 3, 1.2 Omega 6), zero cholesterol, 130mg sodium, 8g carbohydrate (4 fiber, 2 sugars) and 10g protein. Ingredients: Roasted peanuts, wheat germ, flax seed, cane sugar, egg whites, honey, flaxseed oil. Taste: This has a lot of oil floating on the top, and it’s a pain in the rear to stir up. The solid part is extremely thick, so I had to get out a sturdy spoon and spent a couple of minutes straining to blend it. After all that, and making a mess when some of the oil slopped out on the counter, I tasted it. It’s actually pretty good. In fact, it’s the best-tasting peanut butter of this group. But I hate how hard it is to stir up.

I.M. Healthy Original Creamy SoyNut Butter

Price: $4.99 for a 15-ounce (425g) jar with 13 2-tablespoon (32g) servings Nutrition: 170 calories, 11g fat (1.5 saturated), zero cholesterol, 140mg sodium, 10g carbohydrate (3 fiber, 3 sugars) and 7g protein. Ingredients: Roasted soybeans (non-GMO), naturally pressed soy bean oil, maltodextrin (from corn), soy protein isolate, granulated can juice, mono and diglycerides (derived from vegetable oil), salt. Taste: It doesn’t taste like peanut butter of course; it tastes like soy nuts. I happen to like the taste of soy nuts, but if you’re expecting it to taste like peanut butter you might want to choose another product. The texture is like that of any “regular” creamy peanut butter.

Better’n Peanut Butter

Price: $6.79 for a 16-ounce (454g) jar with 14 2-tablespoon (32g) servings. Nutrition: 100 calories, 2.5g fat (1 polyunsaturated, 1 monounsaturated), zero cholesterol, 190mg sodium, 13g carbohydrate (zero fiber, 2 sugars) and 4g protein. Ingredients: Peanuts (as defatted peanut flour and natural peanut butter), tapioca syrup, pure water, dehydrated cane juice, rice syrup, vegetable glycerin, soy flour, salt, tapioca starch, natural flavors, paprika and annatto, calcium carbonate, lecithin, vitamins E & C. Taste: It doesn’t smell like anything; there’s no aroma at all. The texture is gelatinous. It does taste slightly like peanuts, but it’s way too sweet. Also, you have to refrigerate it after opening. And did you see the price?! It’s more than twice as much as some of the others! It’s definitely not anything I’d ever want to buy again; we won’t even finish the jar we already have. Almost seven bucks wasted!


Low Fat Diet

Low fat diet will help us look Slimmer and Healthier. Healthy body needs vitamins, minerals, proteins and fat.

Low Fat Diet will help decrease the risk of heart diseases, diabetes and some types of cancer. It is necessary to lose unwanted excess fat.For this a Low Fat Diet would certainly help.

Fat level differs from person to person. Women need four times of fat in excess than men. As long as we keep the fat level in average we are on the safer side. Nowadays there are various ways to burn fat from our body. The predominant way to burn fat is to “Cut Down Calories Through Diet”.

Most of us will think that skipping breakfast or lunch will help to lose fat. But for proper functioning of our metabolism we should have our diet in time with vitamins and nutrients. This will make us healthy and will help to burn fat.


Fat is necessary for our body metabolism (proper functioning of our immune system and body hormones).

Body fat is of two types

1) Essential Fat

2) Storage Fat

If our body exceeds the average fat level then it risks our health. However, lower fat levels will also impair the health. Usually some amount of fat will be stored in our body that can be used in the time of need.

How to loose fat using Low Fat Diet?

You can try any or all of the following low fat diet ways.

Vitamin C’s Role in Low Fat Diet.

To lower the intake of fat, we have to take vitamin C, Starchy and fiber food.Vitamin C will help to burn fat. Take Citrus fruits, lemon, oranges and Grapefruit.Some other foods that burn fat are Cabbage, Carrot, Broccoli, Watermelon, Apple, and Blueberries.

Low Fat Diet - Salads

While making salads use yogurt, lemon juice, tomato juice, spices, mint or coriander for dressing. Do not use Salad cream, which is high in fat. You can make salads using green leaves, lemon juice, tomato, vinegar, pepper, some mustard seeds, nuts such as almonds or walnuts, pumpkin seeds, dates and so on. This will contain only good fat needed for our body.

Low Fat Diet - Soup

You can take any kind of vegetable soup, which will supply the essential fat to our body. Do not boil the vegetables for longer time; this will destroy the nutrients in the food.

Low Fat Diet - Milk

Use only skimmed milk.

Low Fat Diet - Fish

We get Omega 2 and Omega 6 fat from fish, which is an essential fat. Try taking Salmon and pomfret.


Usually, when you think of vegetarians, you think of people who avoid eating any type of animal flesh including beef, pork, lamb, poultry, fish, etc. There are several types and variations to vegetarianism. While many of the vegetarians are lacto ovo vegetarians who will everything but any kind of meat, some others will avoid eating eggs and dairy products and others will say no to beef, pork and poultry but will include fish and other seafood in their diet.

1) Lacto Ovo Vegetarians:The most common type of vegetarians is the lacto ovo vegetarians. Lacto is the Latin word for milk and ovo means eggs in Latin. The lacto ovo vegetarian do not eat any kind of meat including beef, pork, poultry, fish, shellfish, etc. However, they will eat dairy products and eggs.
The lacto ovo vegetarian category is divided into two categories:a) A Lacto Vegetarian does not eat meat and eggs but does eat dairy foods.b) An Ovo Vegetarian does not eat meat and dairy products but does eat eggs.

2) Pescatarias: The pescatarian or pescetarian are vegetarians who avoid eating meat but will continue eating fish and shellfish. The rationales behind the pescatarian diet are varied. Many choose this lifestyle for health concerns rather than ethical reasons. While others would claim that the fish industry is less cruel than the meat industry. Others will simply justify their decision by arguing that fish are less intelligent than farm animals.

Dedicated vegetarians would put the pescatarian under the category of semi vegetarians. In the same category you can find the pollo vegetarians who will include poultry in their diet, the flexitarianism who will avoid eating meat that derived from an animal that was brought up and died in cruel conditions. The flexitarianism are similar to the freeganism that would not mind eating any type of meat unless any part of its process involved environmental damage or human or animals exploitation.

3) Vegans: They do not consume any product that was derived from animals including, of course, any kind of meat, fish, dairy products, eggs as well as honey and foods that contain gelatin. Some vegans would not touch cane sugar, beer and wine since animal products involve in the finishing process: cane sugar is filtered with bone char and some beer and wines are clarified with egg white. As part of the vegan ideology, vegans would not consume products made of leather, furs, pearls, etc.

4) Raw Vegans: Also called raw foodists limit themselves to unprocessed food that has not been heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit or 46 degrees Celsius. Therefore, their diet mainly consists of raw vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. However, some of the raw foodists do consist raw food that was derived from animals in their diet including raw eggs, unheated dairy products and sushi.

5) Macrobiotics: The macrobiotic diet is part of the macrobiotic methodology that was originated in Japan. The macrobiotics practitioners follow strict diet rules based on the principle of balance between yin and yang. The macrobiotic diet is based on whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and soy products. They are allowed to include seaweed and certain types of fish in their diet.


There is no dearth of people who want to lose weight in the wink of an eye. With growing health consciousness among them worldwide, there has been a rapid increase in the number of health clubs, gyms, and fitness centers. However, the result is often not so encouraging. This might happen due to negligence of following your regular exercise routine or following a wrong diet pattern. Most of the people suffer from a misconception that physical exercise is the only effective solution for losing weight. The truth is physical exercise in combination with a good diet pattern lends you effective results.

Your diet should be chalked out in proportion to your BMI (Body Mass Index), i.e. the ratio between your height and weight. Calorie consumption of individuals depends on their BMI. People having a high BMI need to adhere to a strict diet pattern by cutting down on calories through the inclusion of more fruits and vegetables. The role of fruits in your diet chart is extremely important to allow your bodies consume less extra calories from food. The benefits of fruits can hardly be debated upon. Loaded with all the essential vitamins and minerals, this natural resource possesses the capacity to pump out all the toxins from the body. Consumption of fruits and vegetables in appropriate quantities gives the body a healthy glow.

People all over the world are widely appreciating the benefits of fruits. This has led to the emergence of the trend of juicing bars. Be it Seattle, Washington or South Carolina, one can find people from different age groups or professions lined up to have a pick from their favorite fruit juices. Many people argue that fruit juices lose much of their nutrients than raw fruits. Without doubt, consuming raw fruits is the best solution but there are few of us who would actually like to do so. Fruit juices are ideal for those who do not like to consume fruits as a whole. Besides, it is easier for the body to absorb nutrients when consumed in liquid form. Fruits, when pressed, do not lose their nutrients. Fruit juices content the same nutrients and fibers as compared to their raw counterpart.

Apart from the consumption pattern of fruits, it is also important to glance at some of the other benefits provided by fruits and their juices. According to a research carried by a team of the Glasgow University, a diet rich in fruits and fruit juices reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Fruits contain antioxidants that help in reducing cell damage caused by free radicals. Adequate amount of fruit consumption can help combat against ageing and diseases in general. Besides, the fiber content in fruits does not allow the body to consume more calories, thus cutting down on extra consumption.The benefits of fruits can be talked about indefinitely. Fruits can provide resistance from almost every disease possible. Talking about some of the favorite fruit drinks, watermelon, pineapple, mango, apple, peach, grapes, orange are the most popular. Watermelon juice is particularly popular in America for its high water and lycopene content. Citrus juices like orange juice is popular all over the world, not to overlook the other flavors. These natural drinks are a lot healthier and safer than aerated water or other artificial drinks. So drink your way to health by switching on to fruits. Don't just be a vegetarian... be a fruitarian!


I remember when moms added a small can of crushed pineapple to a package of lime Jell-o and called it "salad. The "salad" didn't taste good to me, but I loved Jell-o with lots of whipped cream. What is in gelatin?
Gelatin is made from from boiled cattle bones and pigskins. The bones and skins are soaked in an acid solution to extract collagen, dried, and ground into powder. Vegans who do not eat protein products may eat gelatin made from seaweed, kuzu vines, and guar plants. You may think gelatin is a new product, but it has been around for years.

According to "Behind the Wiggle," an article on the Kraft Foods Web site, Peter Cooper, an industrialist and inventor, patented gelatin in 1845. "Although he packaged his gelatin in neat little boxes with directions for use, Cooper did very little with it," the site says.

But Pearle Wait, a carpenter and cough medicine manufacturer, had other ideas. He added strawberry, raspberry, orange, and lemon flavoring to gelatin powder. His wife Mary came up with the Jell-o name and the rest is food history. Today, grocery stores carry many products that contain gelatin.

You will find individual gelatin desserts in the refrigerated section, Napoleons and shortcakes in the bakery, and mousse mixes in the pudding aisle. There are marshmallows. marashmallow creme, and marshmallow cookies, and more.

Ordinarily I am not a dessert eater, but every so often I crave something sweet. I am also trying to lose five pounds. What could I make? I rummaged around in the freezer and found a package of berries. In the refrigerator I found an open carton of Cool Whip Free. There was a package of sugar-free Jell-o on the shelf. Of course I decided to combine them and the result is Bavarian Cream with Mixed Berries.

You can make this recipe in six minutes or so. Lemon zest gives a fresh taste. Thanks to the frozen berries and cold topping this dessert sets in record time. My husband gave it a five-star review and, much as I hate to admit this, I have been snacking Bavarian Cream. Try this recipe because I think you, your kids, and grandkids (if you have any) will love it.

.6-ounce package sugar-free strawberry Jell-o
2 cups boiling water
1 teaspoon lemon zest, finely grated
12-ounce package frozen mixed berries with no added sugar
2 cups Cool Whip Free
8 large strawberries (optional)


Add boiling water to Jell-o and stir until powder is dissolved. Add the lemon zest and frozen berries, stir and cool for a few minutes. Gently whisk the Cool Whip into the berry mixture. Pour into a 1 1/2-quart glass bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least three hours.

As it chills the fruit-gelatin mixture will separate into two layers, with fruit on the bottom and a creamy layer on top. To unmold set the bowl in hot water for a few seconds. Put a plate on top of the bowl, flip the bowl and plate over, and shake gently until the dessert comes out.Cut dessert into triangles with a serrated knife. Garnish each plate with a fresh strawberry if you wish. Makes 8 servings.


Picnic and BBQ season is still going strong. There's nothing more fun than having a few friends or neighbors over for a barbecue. Don't think you can plan a healthy deck party that everyone will enjoy? Well think again. Use these simple steps for your next summer gathering and everyone will have a smile on their faces and want to come back next weekend!

Ten Simple Steps to a Healthy Deck Party

1. Use your grill. Grilling is a low fat cooking method since no fat is added, and the fat in the food item drips off.

2. Think outside the beef box. Sure, a grilled steak is great, but poultry and fish are wonderful on the grill too. Choose “meaty” fish such as salmon filets, shark, tuna steaks or swordfish. It’s worth investing in a grill plate so that items such as fish don’t disappear into the grill rack and into the fire.

3. Remove most of the skin from the chicken pieces. While a little bit of skin will add flavor and keep the chicken moist, the skin is high in saturated fat, which is not healthy for your heart.

4. Add lots of flavor. There are a number of grilling sauces and rubs available on the market today. Be sure to choose one that is fat free or low in fat. Keep an eye out for excess sodium on the label too. Some sodium is okay, but if the sauce or rub does contain sodium, be aware that you won’t have to add additional salt.

5. Use the grill for the whole meal. Even if you don’t have a side burner, you can grill the vegetables too. Grill them first, and then set them aside while you grill the chicken, fish or meat. Simply brush the veggies with some olive oil, sprinkle with a pinch of salt and grill. They only take a few minutes, so check often, and then remove to a platter. They can be eaten as is, or chopped into a salad or rice pilaf. Vegetables like zucchini, squash, eggplant, onion slices, and bell pepper halves work well.

6. Try some healthier options to the traditional side dishes. Instead of an old-fashioned mayonnaise-laden macaroni salad, try a pasta and vegetable salad that is tossed with a vinaigrette dressing; instead of baked beans, try a three bean salad; instead of chips, try pretzels or a cereal mix; instead of potato salad, try a mixed green salad tossed with greens, sliced strawberries, slivered almonds, and a vinaigrette; instead of cole slaw, try a mixed rice and spinach salad.

7. Include some fresh fruit. You do not have to be fancy or make a time-consuming fruit salad. Just serve a platter of sliced melon, a bowl of grapes, a bowl of berries or nectarines. Let everyone help his or her self.
8. Along with the fruit, include a dip with low fat whole grain crackers while everyone is waiting for dinner. Try the low fat artichoke dip recipe below.

9. Instead of a bucket of soft drinks for the children, purchase small water bottles or mix up your own lemonade. Lemonade can contain less sugar than soda, and a child may drink less of it when it is served in a smaller cup, and you will have less waste. For the grown-ups, summertime is a great time to try some lighter white wines. Try a Pinot Grigio, a Riesling, or a Sauvignon Blanc.

10. Don’t tell anyone that is it “low fat” or “healthy”. Just sit back, take the compliments, and watch them enjoy the meal.
Enjoy your backyard or deck, and keep your friends and family healthy this summer.

Light and Healthy Artichoke Dip

14 ounce can artichoke hearts, drained and chopped

1/2 cup reduced fat mayonnaise

1/2 cup grated Romano or parmesan cheese

4 ounces light cream cheese, softened (Neufchatel)

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder1 teaspoon hot sauce, like Frank’s (optional)

1. Spray a 3-quart baking dish with cooking spray.

2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

3. Mix all ingredients in medium bowl until well combined.

4. Place mixture into prepared 3 quart baking dish and bake for 25 minutes, or until bubbly and slightly golden.


The acai berry is is strange in the way that only 10% of the berry is actually edible, the main reason for this is it has a large stone which takes up most of the berry. It is a dark purple berry slightly smaller than a grape, acai is more communally mixed with ice cream, meal bars and also energy drinks. The acai berry requires rapid precessing after its late harvest.

The acai berry grows in the rain forests of the amazon in south america and is considered by some as being more than an organic fruit. These rain forests remain untouched by any sort of manufacturing, everything in this region is grown the way it was intended by nature and no mass production is add in any way.

Pronunciation of this fruit is "ah-sigh-ee", acai, or euterpe oleracea (arecaceae) has been seen to excell in heathly attributes and greatly aids metabolism. It is highly promoted by Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a health guru and best-selling author, calling the acai a "superfood."

It wasnt until the turn of the millennium when the acai berry was discovered to be in north America and it hails from the palmberry tree. It usually grows in the amazon, the natives of this region cultivate the berry and have enjoying it health producing properties for many years now. Acai is usually consumed as a puree or in a smoothie or milk shake, this drink is more communally served on the Brazilian beaches and tropical resorts, although acai is an acquired taste, as it tastes mostly of wine wine with a hint of chocolate.

Acai is abundant in anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant that has been proven to combat cholesterol and free radicals, consuming acai has been proven to reduce blood related disorders and relax the blood vessels. It is also a great help in preventing arthresclerosis and is a powerful combatant of cancer. Red wine is healthy for you because of the anthocyanin content from the grapes. the Acai berry has over X30 the anthocyanin than any grape.

Aside from anthocyanins, another benefit of the acai berry is an acid called aleic acid which is very good for the heart. Oleic acid also keeps a cancer-causing oncogene (this is found in many breast cancer patents) from acting up, Acai is also great for anyone who has any sort of digestive conditions.

Acai is good as a dietary supplement, it is very low in fat and cholesterol and yet high in fiber. These benefits are usually found in the skin, the acai skin contains nutrients such as phytosterols, vitamin C, E, manganese, chromium, copper, and even boron as well as a few others including calcium, acai contains more calcium than even milk.

In recent studies have been conducted and acai has other benefits other than the ones that have been mentioned in this article such ailments would include a variety of virus's and prostate problems. It also helps improve lipoprotein metabolism and reinforces your immune system. One of the less known attributes of acai is it is said to have very powerful aphrodisiac properties, because of its revitalizing qualities. To produce this aphrodisiac, you need to mix the acai pulp with guarana another fruit grown in South America, although this is the most powerful combination the acai berry can be mixed with any fruit or mixture even milk or beer.

Unfortunately now the acai berry is not found in any store in the united states this is mainly because the fruit spoils very quickly, the only way that this berry can be got is thought a frozen or pureed form. In brazil the athletes would take the berry as part of their daily diet and consider it a must for a healthy lifestyle.

The acai berry is small and although you can find the nutrients that it has elsewhere the difference here is that acai crams all of them into a small space, this has been considered to be a premium way to undertake a good healthy lifestyle.Other benefits of this amazing berry include greater energy, stamina, digestion and mental stimulation. Drink acai in juice or smoothie form also helps you sleep better at night. Acai also includes more proteins than an egg white, it also serves as a revitalizing agent supplying you with the energy of a speeding train, this is a good way to increase sex drive and performance.


A truly international fruit! Watermelons squeeze nature's goodness into every bit of its being. The fruit is popular as an excellent thirst buster, especially during those sultry summer days. It brings quick respite from the sweltering heat with its cool, scarlet juice and lip-smacking freshness. Indeed, watermelon juice is a veritable delicacy around the world. No wonder, it is grown in 96 countries worldwide, with China leading the production, followed by Egypt, the Mediterranean region and United States. In the U.S. alone, 44 states are growing the fruit including Florida, Texas, California, Georgia, and Arizona.

What makes watermelons an excellent natural source of good health is the fact that they are not only low in calories (only about 51 calories per cup), but also a great source of vitamins A and C, potassium and the antioxidant Lycopene. The goodness of watermelons is threefold. Let's take a closer look at each.

The natural guard against prostrate cancer

First, watermelons provide excellent protection from diseases of the prostate, especially cancer. The active agent helping in this beneficial process is Lycopene. And when it comes to Lycopene, it's hard to beat watermelons. Fresh tomatoes are a close second to watermelons in Lycopene content. Mangoes are also rich in the substance.

But what is Lycopene? It is a naturally occurring chemical known for its cancer-fighting properties. Lycopene is responsible for the red color of many fruits and vegetables like tomatoes. Modern research shows that eating watermelons and drinking green tea are a great way to fight cancer of the prostrate.

Matters of the heart

Secondly, watermelons do wonders in improving cardiac health. The green fruit has earned the American Heart Association's "heart check" seal of approval.

This certification program provides a clear pointer for shoppers looking for heart-healthy food. To qualify for this certification, a food must be low in total and saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. What's more, it must also contain at least 10 percent of the recommended daily intake of one or more key nutrients, viz. protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron or dietary fiber.

Watermelon passes the test with flying colors. The Lycopene present in watermelons also help fight cholesterol while potassium combats high blood pressure and reduces the threat of a heart attack drastically. When top notch heart health is the agenda, watermelons are indispensable.

Your perfect weight loss aid

Last but not the least, watermelons are excellent means of controlling obesity. It's easy to keep unnecessary weight off by adding copious amounts of watermelon to your diet. It is a proven fact that foods with high water content help in losing weight. With 92% water content, watermelons offer an excellent choice in keeping those pesky pounds at bay. Take comfort in the fact that one slice contains only a single gram of fat.

Interested in learning more about the many health benefits of this wondrous creation of nature? Watermelons and good health have become synonymous. Find out how by visiting this brilliant resource on watermelons. You owe it to yourself.


Choosing the best blender for your budget

Again, when making a whole food Health Smoothie, DO NOT use a juicer, use a BLENDER! The best blender to use for a whole food Smoothie is a Vitamix, Bosch or K-tech. They are high-quality blenders and they come with a large container that can hold up to 60 ounces. They have a strong motor that lasts for years and save time because they quickly liquefy the mixture of vegetables, hard carrots, fruit and supplements. A high-power blender has a strong enough motor to actually blend and retain the fiber. These high-quality blenders are investments in the $430 range, and the savings created by using a blender instead of a juicer are enormous when you consider the fact that no food volume is wasted, not to mention the decrease in health care costs which will be created by your new levels of health and energy.

Affordable and powerful blenders You may also buy a simple blender at WalMart or most drug stores for between $39 and $89. These blenders work fine, provided they have a motor with at least 425-watts or more, so that they are strong enough to blend vegetables. A blender with a weak motor may not survive daily whole food Smoothies, so it's best to get a blender that has at least a 425-watt motor. Also, most of these less expensive units come with a container that is 40 oz instead of 60 oz. If the blender has a small pitcher (less than 40 oz), you may have to blend two batches instead of one. Some units such as Hamilton Beach come with a two-year limited warrantee. At that price, even if the blender breaks, it can be replaced for a minor cost. Hamilton Beach also has an 800 number , where you can order a larger container of up to 60 oz for only $15 dollars extra.

I use an Oster or a Hamilton Beach for my travel blender. There are various blenders that are probably just as good, as long as they have a strong motor. I take my less expensive blender with me on the road and it fits in the trunk of my car or in my suitcase when I travel.

Transporting your Slim Smoothie

The transport container can be a two quart container with a lid that can be opened and closed as you drink or sip. It does take time to consume the 32 to 60 ounces of blended slim smoothie, so you need a good container that is spill proof. In the past, I have accidentally spilled an entire blended drink from an open container – as you can imagine, this was a mess that took a lot of effort to clean up. A good container or large straw will make it easy to drink the entire amount everyday. You can walk around in the morning getting ready for work and even take the container with you in the car on the way to work. This will allow you enough time to consume sufficient quantities of drink necessary to get the full benefits from blending. The moment you decide to blend on a regular basis you will notice a big difference in your health and energy. The days you forget to blend you may notice less energy, stiffer joints and deeper wrinkles in the face due to dehydration. I have convinced thousands of people to start blending instead of juicing and every one of them has noticed a huge difference within nine days.

Tips for fast and efficient blending

You must have a blended drink on a daily basis to gain the maximum benefits from the whole foods. I know you can be successful if you follow these steps:

• Set your blender on the kitchen counter top, ready to use at all times rather than stored in a cabinet where you may forget about it. Human nature is such that if you see the blender ready to go, it is more likely that you will use it.

• Have a cutting board ready for some minor preparation to cut, remove stems and seeds or clean vegetables and fruit.

• Use sufficient water, soy or rice milk and ice in the drink so the consistency comes out smooth. The water line should come up to over half or three fourths of the blender line for proper blending of all the harder chunks of vegetables.

• The moment you pour out the blended concoction, immediately rinse the blender and any cutting utensils with fresh, hot water. Vegetables, fruit and sprouts easily rinse with water down the disposal after blending. However, if you wait to clean the blender pitcher later with the rest of the dishes, the thick, almost caked-on layer of vegetable matter will be much harder to clean. The common excuse of not wanting to “do the dishes” may give you a false reason to not want to blend again.

The whole process from putting vegetables, fruit and water in the blender to pouring out the completed drink, to rinsing the pitcher and utensils can be done in less than eight minutes - the time you would usually take to brew some coffee in the morning. If you don’t have time to blend in the morning, then blend in the afternoon or evening. The key is that you do it on a daily basis to gain the youth-extending benefits of fat loss, increased energy and total body hydration.


Consumers have become more health conscious than ever - diet foods, low fat, low sugar products have began to pop up everywhere. Everyone is looking to shave a few calories here, a few grams of fat there. Fat and Calories can slip in anywhere, and you'd be shocked to see how much fat is added in the cooking process. But don't fear - there is a solution. Cooking sprays provide the non-stick properties of butter, but shave down the fat and calories you are using to cook your food. Though each cooking spray out there may seem the same, here are a few tips in mind to ensure that you pick the right spray for your needs.

1. Fat Content - Even though these sprays claim to cut down on the amount of fat you use while cooking your foods, it may not be the case. Read the nutritional information on the back of the can to see if it's claims of "Non-Fat" are actually true. In most countries, a product can claim to be non-fat if it is under 0.5 grams of fat per serving. If a serving size on your Non-Stick Spray is very small, those 0.5 grams can add up in a hurry. Make sure you know how much (or how long) of a spray each serving size is listed as, and buy accordingly.

2. Flavor - Some No Stick sprays have added flavor right in the can. If you only use your non stick spray for one purpose (ie. grilling vegetables) this might be a good option for you. For those who use No Stick spray for a variety of uses, the flavor added in the can might not be good for all your needs. Those home-baked cookies might not taste so good with a herb and garlic flavor!

3. Product Specific Sprays - Save your money on sprays that are labelled good for "baking only" or "grilling only" - they are made of, and produce the same amount of No Stick goodness as any other general purpose spray. These product specific sprays often cost more, but is an unnecessary expense.Though No Stick sprays may seem like a great alternative to buttering up that pan - you really have to watch how you use it. Used correctly, and wisely, No Stick spray can be a great addition to any kitchen cupboard.


Historically speaking, melons have long been a part of our diet in one form or another. Available in different varieties, melons are a top favorite not only with the Americans but also in other countries of the world, the chief reason being its categorization as a fruit cum vegetable. This perplexity also pertains to its history. Food historians fluctuate between Persia, Afghanistan, or Armenia as the probable locales where melons were first consumed. China is not the best bet among the historians, as many believe that the Chinese consumed the wild bitter variety, which could not be eaten raw. Melons were introduced in Europe in the 16th century, but were grown under glass bells, in glasshouses, or in steam-pits. Meanwhile, after reaching China, melons slowly began to develop into cooking varieties, and reached the New World when Columbus took the seeds to Haiti on his second voyage. When his men had eaten the fruit and discarded the seeds, huge acres of crop appeared all over.

Honeydew melon is one of the most savored varieties of melons, especially for Americans. Ancient Egyptians, thousands of years ago, and ages before that in Persia, where the muskmelon is thought to have originated, prized this sweet, succulent member of the muskmelon family. Luckily for Americans, honeydew melons are now grown in California and parts of the Southwest. This nutritious fruit snack is rich in Vitamin C and is a great source of foliate, which is known for its power of overcoming birth defects during child expectancy. A cup of honeydew yields just 60 calories and around 70% of our body's daily requirement of vitamin C. Its ample water content also compensates loss of body water during hot summer days. Being low on sodium, and nil on fat and cholesterol, honeydew melons offer 100% on the critical energy component found in functional foods. These nutritional advantages make it an ideal choice for both weight control and general health. This juicy melon also offers stiff resistance against cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer.

With so many nutritional benefits on offer, honeydew melons have become a hot favorite, especially in the US. It's however, essential to judge the quality of the fruit prior to its purchase. Honeydew melons are distinguished by their smooth, creamy-yellow rind and pastel green flesh that's amazingly succulent and juicy. A perfectly ripe honeydew melon can be judged by its wrinkling on the surface, often detected only by touch. Ranging in weight from 4 to 8 pounds, honeydew melons need to be picked judiciously. It's important to choose only those melons that are too heavy for their size. If the melon is under ripe, it is advisable to keep them at room temperature. Ripe honeydew melons can be wrapped in plastic bags and stored in the refrigerator for five days. This wonderful melon treat can be used in salads, deserts, fruit soups, or as a garnish. The common and the best among the winter melon varieties, honeydew melons can be savored in different forms as part of your low calorie healthy diet.


Being active during the hot summer months can make it difficult to stay healthy and hydrated. Maintaining a sufficient level of nutrients such as water, sodium, vitamins, and minerals can mean getting the best out of the short hot summer months rather than becoming ill and missing all the fun. There are healthy convenient snacks that can actually help active people stay healthy during the summer by helping to replenish nutrients important to help the body stay in good health.

There is a small company in Oshkosh, WI, who produce lean meat snack strips, which are shelf stable making them a convenient snack for in the car, on the golf course, or while doing daily chores. The strips are either skinless chicken breast or beef sirloin. Each strip has from 220 to 340 mg of sodium and eight to ten grams of lean protein. While each strip has 15-20 mg (5%-7% of daily value) of cholesterol there is only 1-2 grams of fat (2%-3% of daily value), .5 grams of saturated fat (only in the sirloin strip), and no trans fat. According to the American Heart Association small amounts of cholesterol are important because it helps produce vitamin D, some hormones, and to build many other important substances in the human body. The strips have a very small amount of cholesterol and almost no fat which make each strip healthy for any one and everyone.

Another health benefits that lean meat snacks have is the amount protein that each strip contains. The protein is important for people who are physically active because they need anywhere from 60-75 grams of protein to repair the muscle damage that occurs during physical activity. From Nancy Clark’s article The Power of Protein Protein, protein is needed to make red blood cells, produce hormones, boost your immune system, and help keep hair, fingernails, and skin healthy. Each strip has eight to ten grams of lean meat protein which is ideal for not only athletes, but also people who are exercising on a regular basis to sustain a healthy life style or lose weight, and people just trying to eat healthy.

While most people assume sodium is bad causing high blood pressure and other ailments sodium for the active person is very important. Sodium is important to transmit nerve impulses for proper muscle function along with helping maintain a healthy balance of water in the body, which is important for human survival. Salt and the Ultraendurance Athlete by Mark Jerkins explains that sodium is especially important for a person who is active because there is a lot of water and sodium lost while a person sweats and the balance can be disrupted causing nausea, cramps, or other weaknesses. This is often called Hyponatremia which is a low concentration of sodium in the blood. The strips not only have a healthy dose of protein for the average person, but also have a good amount of sodium for active people to maintain healthy levels in their body.Although these snack strips are a convenient healthy snack alternative they are also a great source of protein and nutrients for athletes, people who are trying to lose weight, and for healthy minded people in general. Most importantly, however, is that they taste great. Each flavor of strip is packed with spices so that each bite has a burst of flavor.


Nectarines: peaches without the fuzz? Well, not exactly. Nectarines are similar to peaches, both originating in China more than 2000 years ago, and cultivated in ancient Persia, Greece and Rome. They were grown in Great Britain in the late 16th or early 17th centuries, and were introduced to America by the Spanish.

Nectarines are smaller than peaches and have a smooth golden yellow skin with shades of red. The yellow flesh often may have a pink tinge, and they have a distinct aroma and more pronounced flavor than the peach. Today, California grows over 95% of the nectarines produced in the United States. They are generally available from April to late August at the market.

Summer is a great time to find fresh, ripe nectarines in the produce section. There are more than 100 varieties of nectarine, including freestone, or clingstone varieties. The freestone types separate from the pit easily, whereas the flesh of the clingstone type clings to the pit.

Like peaches, nectarines are low in calories with only about 30-40 calories each. They are also fat free and sodium-free. Each nectarine provides 1 gram of dietary fiber and is a good source of vitamins A and C.

How to pick a nice nectarine at the market:∑ Look for fruit with no blemishes on the skin. ∑ Avoid extremely hard or dull colored fruits and instead choose nectarines that are barely soft to the touch. If a nectarine is under ripe, allow it to sit on the counter for 2-3 days to ripen. ∑ Handle them carefully as they tend to bruise more easily than peaches. Also avoid fruit that is too soft, wrinkled, or has punctured skin.

Nectarines should be stored in a plastic bag in the coldest part of the fridge. They will generally keep for 5 days. Nectarines can be eaten fresh, sliced, or used in pies or for any recipe called for peaches. Try some sliced onto your breakfast cereal. They are also very good grilled alongside pork or poultry. Simply halve the nectarine and remove pit (freestone varieties work best for this). Brush open side of fruit lightly with oil and place on hot grill. Grill for 15 minutes or until tender and golden. Serve along with meat as a garnish or side dish. They can also be a nice addition sliced into salads.

RECIPE:Baked Nectarines with Ricotta and Amaretti biscuits Source: cookitsimply.comCalories per serving: 205.

Ingredients2 nectarines, halved and stoned2 oz. ricotta cheese1 teaspoon clear honey1 oz amaretti biscuits, crushed (about 4 small cookies)1 tablespoon amaretto liqueur


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Place the nectarines, cut halves facing up, on a baking tray.
3. Beat together the ricotta cheese, honey, crushed Amaretti biscuits and Amaretto liqueur
4. Spoon the cheese mixture on top of each nectarine halves, pressing down slightly. Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired.5. Bake the nectarines for 15 minutes. Serve warm.


Anyone on a low carb diet knows how great it is to find a new recipe that fits with their new meal plans. This is especially true with low carb desserts. Having the ability to eat delicious desserts while maintaining a weight loss diet helps to keep you excited about your diet results and satisfied with the food you are eating. Both of these things are important if you want to be able to stick with you diet and continue seeing weight loss with less effort. Here is a low carb cheesecake recipe and some helpful hints when it comes to baking while eating fewer carbohydrates.

When it comes to baking anything on a low carb diet there are 2 main substitutions that can make or break your recipes. In order for your dessert recipes to be a hit you will need to find a way to replace sugar and flour while keeping the flavor. Sugar and flour are both highly concentrated carbohydrates and therefore won’t fit in to the low carb lifestyle. An essential sugar substitute for a low carb cheesecake recipe is splenda. This sweetener is made from the sugar molecule and retains the same sweetness without being used as an energy source by the body. It also won’t cause the same cavities that sugar does. For flour there are different options that can be used such as flours made from almonds and other nuts or legumes. Soya flour is also a very popular flour substitute. Soya flour bakes a little differently that wheat flour so you should be aware of a couple of things if you decide to use it. Soya flour browns much more quickly and so you may need to reduce baking times or temperatures. Also be sure to store it in the fridge or freezer since it is whole grain flour.

Now comes for the best part, the low carb cheesecake recipe. This recipe is simple and delicious but not everyone shares the same tastes with desserts so feel free to make changes to the recipe to suit your own preference.

First, for the crust you will need:

• 1 ¼ cups of sweetener such as Splenda (amount depends on specific sweetener used)

• 2/3 cup ground nuts

• 1/4 cup margarine

• ¾ cups of almond flour

Mix these ingredients together and pack them down in your baking dish, preferably 10 inches in diameter.

Now, the rest of the cheesecake needs:

• 24 oz. of cream cheese

• 1 cup of whipping cream

• 4 eggs

• 1 ¼ cups of sweetener

• 1 tsp of sugar free vanilla extract

• ½ tsp of almond extractMix the sweetener with the cream cheese until it becomes thick and creamy, and then add the eggs while still beating the mixture.

Continue this until it is at the right texture for you and then mix in the remaining ingredients. Pour the mixture evenly on the crust portion and place this into the oven that has been heated to 350 F. Bake for an hour then turn off the oven but leave the cheesecake in with the heat off for another hour. Cool and then serve when ready. This makes for a simple low carb cheesecake recipe that everyone can enjoy.


We all want to stay healthy and healthy eating is what the doctors encourage us to do. Not everyone will like to switch to a diet that is mainly based on fruits and vegetables when they have been consuming lots of fats and calories.

One of the main concerns is that the food will be tasteless and plain. In comes the George Foreman grill to the rescue. This cooking appliance can assist you to cook tasty meals that you can think of.

Many years ago when it was first in the market, there seems to be a craze over it. Just because a former heavyweight boxing champ had his name on it, does it means it is good? However many people believe it and soon every house has a set of George Foreman grill.

When people started using them for cooking non oil laden food with great results, the George Foreman grill gradually became in style.

Perhaps one of the most attractive features of this tool is the ease of using it. Many people savor the taste of grilled food but they did not know how to cook it the right way. With the ability of the George Foreman grill, you can easily get the flavor that only a large grill can offer and with all the convenience of an easy to use and solid design.

Even for those who rarely cook, they will find sing it a breeze. More families are now using the grill several times weekly.

You can use the George Foreman grill for fish, chicken, beef and pork. Though there are many models around, choose one that suits the number of people you usually cook for. If your family size is four, choose the family size George Foreman grills. If there is just only two of you, use the smaller version.

Another feature that many people love about this indoor grill is that cleaning it is simple. Just use a damp cloth and the grilling surface itself can be wiped clean. Some mild detergent can do the trick to remove any dirt marks outside of the George Foreman grill.

Be warned that you cannot sink it into water as it is an electrical appliance. It will be damaged immediately.
In fact, when you have used it once, you will see the beauty of it. Many people love it because you can cook anything without using more oil. If you enjoy burgers, you can use the George Foreman grill to make a low-fat, healthy version of a hamburger.To cook a steak, just a small number of spices, you can cook up a lean piece of beef without any extra oil or salt. Now who says there is no easy way to cook?
