

The acai berry is is strange in the way that only 10% of the berry is actually edible, the main reason for this is it has a large stone which takes up most of the berry. It is a dark purple berry slightly smaller than a grape, acai is more communally mixed with ice cream, meal bars and also energy drinks. The acai berry requires rapid precessing after its late harvest.

The acai berry grows in the rain forests of the amazon in south america and is considered by some as being more than an organic fruit. These rain forests remain untouched by any sort of manufacturing, everything in this region is grown the way it was intended by nature and no mass production is add in any way.

Pronunciation of this fruit is "ah-sigh-ee", acai, or euterpe oleracea (arecaceae) has been seen to excell in heathly attributes and greatly aids metabolism. It is highly promoted by Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a health guru and best-selling author, calling the acai a "superfood."

It wasnt until the turn of the millennium when the acai berry was discovered to be in north America and it hails from the palmberry tree. It usually grows in the amazon, the natives of this region cultivate the berry and have enjoying it health producing properties for many years now. Acai is usually consumed as a puree or in a smoothie or milk shake, this drink is more communally served on the Brazilian beaches and tropical resorts, although acai is an acquired taste, as it tastes mostly of wine wine with a hint of chocolate.

Acai is abundant in anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant that has been proven to combat cholesterol and free radicals, consuming acai has been proven to reduce blood related disorders and relax the blood vessels. It is also a great help in preventing arthresclerosis and is a powerful combatant of cancer. Red wine is healthy for you because of the anthocyanin content from the grapes. the Acai berry has over X30 the anthocyanin than any grape.

Aside from anthocyanins, another benefit of the acai berry is an acid called aleic acid which is very good for the heart. Oleic acid also keeps a cancer-causing oncogene (this is found in many breast cancer patents) from acting up, Acai is also great for anyone who has any sort of digestive conditions.

Acai is good as a dietary supplement, it is very low in fat and cholesterol and yet high in fiber. These benefits are usually found in the skin, the acai skin contains nutrients such as phytosterols, vitamin C, E, manganese, chromium, copper, and even boron as well as a few others including calcium, acai contains more calcium than even milk.

In recent studies have been conducted and acai has other benefits other than the ones that have been mentioned in this article such ailments would include a variety of virus's and prostate problems. It also helps improve lipoprotein metabolism and reinforces your immune system. One of the less known attributes of acai is it is said to have very powerful aphrodisiac properties, because of its revitalizing qualities. To produce this aphrodisiac, you need to mix the acai pulp with guarana another fruit grown in South America, although this is the most powerful combination the acai berry can be mixed with any fruit or mixture even milk or beer.

Unfortunately now the acai berry is not found in any store in the united states this is mainly because the fruit spoils very quickly, the only way that this berry can be got is thought a frozen or pureed form. In brazil the athletes would take the berry as part of their daily diet and consider it a must for a healthy lifestyle.

The acai berry is small and although you can find the nutrients that it has elsewhere the difference here is that acai crams all of them into a small space, this has been considered to be a premium way to undertake a good healthy lifestyle.Other benefits of this amazing berry include greater energy, stamina, digestion and mental stimulation. Drink acai in juice or smoothie form also helps you sleep better at night. Acai also includes more proteins than an egg white, it also serves as a revitalizing agent supplying you with the energy of a speeding train, this is a good way to increase sex drive and performance.

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